
This module defines enumerations used in the OntoUML/UFO Catalog.

These enumerations classify and filter ontology models based on their development context, representation style, purpose, and type. The enumerations align with the metadata schema specification used in the catalog.


  • OntologyDevelopmentContext: Represents the contexts in which ontologies are developed.

  • OntologyRepresentationStyle: Represents the styles of ontology representation.

  • OntologyPurpose: Represents the purposes for which ontologies are created.

  • OntologyType: Represents the types of ontologies based on their scope and application.



Represents the different contexts in which ontologies are developed.


Represents the styles of ontology representation.


Represents the purposes for which ontologies are created.


Represents the types of ontologies based on their scope and application.

Module Contents

class ontouml_models_lib.enumerations.OntologyDevelopmentContext(*args, **kwds)

Bases: enum.Enum

Represents the different contexts in which ontologies are developed.

  • CLASSROOM – Indicates that the ontology was developed within an educational setting, such as a classroom.

  • INDUSTRY – Indicates that the ontology was developed for or within an industrial or corporate context.

  • RESEARCH – Indicates that the ontology was developed as part of a research project, often associated with academic publications.

These contexts categorize ontologies based on their origin, whether they are created in educational, industrial, or research environments.

CLASSROOM = 'Classroom'
INDUSTRY = 'Industry'
RESEARCH = 'Research'
class ontouml_models_lib.enumerations.OntologyRepresentationStyle(*args, **kwds)

Bases: enum.Enum

Represents the styles of ontology representation.

  • ONTOUML_STYLE – Characterizes a model that contains at least one class, relation, or property using a valid OntoUML stereotype.

  • UFO_STYLE – Characterizes a model that contains at least one class or relation from UFO (Unified Foundational Ontology) without an OntoUML stereotype.

These representation styles classify ontologies based on whether they adhere to OntoUML stereotypes or use foundational ontology elements from UFO.

ONTOUML_STYLE = 'OntoumlStyle'
UFO_STYLE = 'UfoStyle'
class ontouml_models_lib.enumerations.OntologyPurpose(*args, **kwds)

Bases: enum.Enum

Represents the purposes for which ontologies are created.

  • CONCEPTUAL_CLARIFICATION – Created to clarify and untangle complex notions and relations through ontological analysis.

  • DATA_PUBLICATION – Created to support data publication, such as generating an OWL vocabulary to publish data as linked open data.

  • DECISION_SUPPORT_SYSTEM – Created during the development of a decision support system.

  • EXAMPLE – Created to demonstrate OntoUML’s application, support an experiment, or exemplify model reuse in specific scenarios.

  • INFORMATION_RETRIEVAL – Created to support the design of an information retrieval system.

  • INTEROPERABILITY – Created to support data integration, vocabulary alignment, or interoperability between software systems.

  • LANGUAGE_ENGINEERING – Created for the design of a domain-specific modeling language.

  • LEARNING – Created by authors to learn UFO and OntoUML, often as part of a course assignment.

  • ONTOLOGIC_ANALYSIS – Created as part of a broader ontological analysis.

  • SOFTWARE_ENGINEERING – Created during the development of an information system, such as generating a relational database schema.

These purposes categorize ontologies based on their intended use, from data publication to software engineering and conceptual analysis.

CONCEPTUAL_CLARIFICATION = 'ConceptualClarification'
DATA_PUBLICATION = 'DataPublication'
DECISION_SUPPORT_SYSTEM = 'DecisionSupportSystem'
EXAMPLE = 'Example'
INFORMATION_RETRIEVAL = 'InformationRetrieval'
INTEROPERABILITY = 'Interoperability'
LANGUAGE_ENGINEERING = 'LanguageEngineering'
LEARNING = 'Learning'
ONTOLOGIC_ALANALYSIS = 'OntologicalAnalysis'
SOFTWARE_ENGINEERING = 'SoftwareEngineering'
class ontouml_models_lib.enumerations.OntologyType(*args, **kwds)

Bases: enum.Enum

Represents the types of ontologies based on their scope and application.

  • CORE – An ontology that grasps central concepts and relations of a given domain, often integrating several domain ontologies and being applicable in multiple scenarios.

  • DOMAIN – An ontology that describes how a community conceptualizes a phenomenon of interest, typically narrower in scope than a core ontology.

  • APPLICATION – An ontology that specializes a domain ontology for a particular application, representing a model of a domain according to a specific viewpoint.

These types classify ontologies based on their scope, from core ontologies applicable in multiple domains to specialized application ontologies.

CORE = 'Core'
DOMAIN = 'Domain'
APPLICATION = 'Application'