:py:mod:`ontouml_vocabulary_lib` ================================ .. py:module:: ontouml_vocabulary_lib .. autoapi-nested-parse:: OntoUML Vocabulary Library. This library provides support for working with OntoUML models, including utilities for handling OntoUML vocabulary terms, constants, and custom exceptions. It also includes a set of tests for validating the functionality provided by the library. Subpackages ----------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 3 constants/index.rst tests/index.rst Submodules ---------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 1 exceptions/index.rst terms/index.rst Package Contents ---------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: ontouml_vocabulary_lib.OntoUML ontouml_vocabulary_lib.OntoUML ontouml_vocabulary_lib.OntoUML Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_BASE_SORTAL_CLASS_STEREOTYPES ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_ULTIMATE_SORTAL_CLASS_STEREOTYPES ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_SORTAL_CLASS_STEREOTYPES ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_NON_SORTAL_CLASS_STEREOTYPES ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_ABSTRACT_CLASS_STEREOTYPES ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_RIGID_CLASS_STEREOTYPES ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_ANTI_RIGID_CLASS_STEREOTYPES ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_SEMI_RIGID_CLASS_STEREOTYPES ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_CLASS_STEREOTYPES ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_RELATION_STEREOTYPES ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_PROPERTY_STEREOTYPES ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_AGGREGATION_KINDS ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_ONTOLOGICAL_NATURES ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_ABSTRACT_ELEMENTS ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_CONCRETE_ELEMENTS .. py:class:: OntoUML Bases: :py:obj:`rdflib.namespace.DefinedNamespace` Class to provide terms from the OntoUML vocabulary in an easy way. This class utilizes RDFLib structure for defining and accessing OntoUML terms. It provides access to OntoUML vocabulary terms and their associated URIs. It complies with the OntoUML vocabulary version 1.1.0 available at https://w3id.org/ontouml/vocabulary/v1.1.0. :cvar abstract: URI for OntoUML term 'abstract' :cvar abstractNature: URI for OntoUML term 'abstractNature' :cvar aggregationKind: URI for OntoUML term 'aggregationKind' :cvar AggregationKind: URI for OntoUML term 'AggregationKind' :cvar attribute: URI for OntoUML term 'attribute' :cvar begin: URI for OntoUML term 'begin' :cvar bringsAbout: URI for OntoUML term 'bringsAbout' :cvar cardinality: URI for OntoUML term 'cardinality' :cvar Cardinality: URI for OntoUML term 'Cardinality' :cvar cardinalityValue: URI for OntoUML term 'cardinalityValue' :cvar categorizer: URI for OntoUML term 'categorizer' :cvar category: URI for OntoUML term 'category' :cvar characterization: URI for OntoUML term 'characterization' :cvar Class: URI for OntoUML term 'Class' :cvar Classifier: URI for OntoUML term 'Classifier' :cvar ClassStereotype: URI for OntoUML term 'ClassStereotype' :cvar ClassView: URI for OntoUML term 'ClassView' :cvar collective: URI for OntoUML term 'collective' :cvar collectiveNature: URI for OntoUML term 'collectiveNature' :cvar comparative: URI for OntoUML term 'comparative' :cvar componentOf: URI for OntoUML term 'componentOf' :cvar composite: URI for OntoUML term 'composite' :cvar ConnectorView: URI for OntoUML term 'ConnectorView' :cvar containsModelElement: URI for OntoUML term 'containsModelElement' :cvar containsView: URI for OntoUML term 'containsView' :cvar creation: URI for OntoUML term 'creation' :cvar datatype: URI for OntoUML term 'datatype' :cvar DecoratableElement: URI for OntoUML term 'DecoratableElement' :cvar derivation: URI for OntoUML term 'derivation' :cvar description: URI for OntoUML term 'description' :cvar diagram: URI for OntoUML term 'diagram' :cvar Diagram: URI for OntoUML term 'Diagram' :cvar DiagramElement: URI for OntoUML term 'DiagramElement' :cvar ElementView: URI for OntoUML term 'ElementView' :cvar end: URI for OntoUML term 'end' :cvar enumeration: URI for OntoUML term 'enumeration' :cvar event: URI for OntoUML term 'event' :cvar eventNature: URI for OntoUML term 'eventNature' :cvar externalDependence: URI for OntoUML term 'externalDependence' :cvar extrinsicModeNature: URI for OntoUML term 'extrinsicModeNature' :cvar functionalComplexNature: URI for OntoUML term 'functionalComplexNature' :cvar general: URI for OntoUML term 'general' :cvar generalization: URI for OntoUML term 'generalization' :cvar Generalization: URI for OntoUML term 'Generalization' :cvar GeneralizationSet: URI for OntoUML term 'GeneralizationSet' :cvar GeneralizationSetView: URI for OntoUML term 'GeneralizationSetView' :cvar GeneralizationView: URI for OntoUML term 'GeneralizationView' :cvar height: URI for OntoUML term 'height' :cvar historicalDependence: URI for OntoUML term 'historicalDependence' :cvar historicalRole: URI for OntoUML term 'historicalRole' :cvar historicalRoleMixin: URI for OntoUML term 'historicalRoleMixin' :cvar instantiation: URI for OntoUML term 'instantiation' :cvar intrinsicModeNature: URI for OntoUML term 'intrinsicModeNature' :cvar isAbstract: URI for OntoUML term 'isAbstract' :cvar isComplete: URI for OntoUML term 'isComplete' :cvar isDerived: URI for OntoUML term 'isDerived' :cvar isDisjoint: URI for OntoUML term 'isDisjoint' :cvar isExtensional: URI for OntoUML term 'isExtensional' :cvar isOrdered: URI for OntoUML term 'isOrdered' :cvar isPowertype: URI for OntoUML term 'isPowertype' :cvar isReadOnly: URI for OntoUML term 'isReadOnly' :cvar isViewOf: URI for OntoUML term 'isViewOf' :cvar kind: URI for OntoUML term 'kind' :cvar literal: URI for OntoUML term 'literal' :cvar Literal: URI for OntoUML term 'Literal' :cvar lowerBound: URI for OntoUML term 'lowerBound' :cvar manifestation: URI for OntoUML term 'manifestation' :cvar material: URI for OntoUML term 'material' :cvar mediation: URI for OntoUML term 'mediation' :cvar memberOf: URI for OntoUML term 'memberOf' :cvar mixin: URI for OntoUML term 'mixin' :cvar mode: URI for OntoUML term 'mode' :cvar model: URI for OntoUML term 'model' :cvar ModelElement: URI for OntoUML term 'ModelElement' :cvar name: URI for OntoUML term 'name' :cvar NodeView: URI for OntoUML term 'NodeView' :cvar none: URI for OntoUML term 'none' :cvar Note: URI for OntoUML term 'Note' :cvar NoteView: URI for OntoUML term 'NoteView' :cvar OntologicalNature: URI for OntoUML term 'OntologicalNature' :cvar OntoumlElement: URI for OntoUML term 'OntoumlElement' :cvar order: URI for OntoUML term 'order' :cvar owner: URI for OntoUML term 'owner' :cvar Package: URI for OntoUML term 'Package' :cvar PackageView: URI for OntoUML term 'PackageView' :cvar participation: URI for OntoUML term 'participation' :cvar participational: URI for OntoUML term 'participational' :cvar Path: URI for OntoUML term 'Path' :cvar phase: URI for OntoUML term 'phase' :cvar phaseMixin: URI for OntoUML term 'phaseMixin' :cvar point: URI for OntoUML term 'point' :cvar Point: URI for OntoUML term 'Point' :cvar project: URI for OntoUML term 'project' :cvar Project: URI for OntoUML term 'Project' :cvar property: URI for OntoUML term 'property' :cvar Property: URI for OntoUML term 'Property' :cvar PropertyStereotype: URI for OntoUML term 'PropertyStereotype' :cvar propertyType: URI for OntoUML term 'propertyType' :cvar quality: URI for OntoUML term 'quality' :cvar qualityNature: URI for OntoUML term 'qualityNature' :cvar quantity: URI for OntoUML term 'quantity' :cvar quantityNature: URI for OntoUML term 'quantityNature' :cvar Rectangle: URI for OntoUML term 'Rectangle' :cvar RectangularShape: URI for OntoUML term 'RectangularShape' :cvar redefinesProperty: URI for OntoUML term 'redefinesProperty' :cvar Relation: URI for OntoUML term 'Relation' :cvar relationEnd: URI for OntoUML term 'relationEnd' :cvar RelationStereotype: URI for OntoUML term 'RelationStereotype' :cvar RelationView: URI for OntoUML term 'RelationView' :cvar relator: URI for OntoUML term 'relator' :cvar relatorNature: URI for OntoUML term 'relatorNature' :cvar restrictedTo: URI for OntoUML term 'restrictedTo' :cvar role: URI for OntoUML term 'role' :cvar roleMixin: URI for OntoUML term 'roleMixin' :cvar shape: URI for OntoUML term 'shape' :cvar Shape: URI for OntoUML term 'Shape' :cvar shared: URI for OntoUML term 'shared' :cvar situation: URI for OntoUML term 'situation' :cvar situationNature: URI for OntoUML term 'situationNature' :cvar sourceEnd: URI for OntoUML term 'sourceEnd' :cvar sourceView: URI for OntoUML term 'sourceView' :cvar specific: URI for OntoUML term 'specific' :cvar stereotype: URI for OntoUML term 'stereotype' :cvar Stereotype: URI for OntoUML term 'Stereotype' :cvar subCollectionOf: URI for OntoUML term 'subCollectionOf' :cvar subkind: URI for OntoUML term 'subkind' :cvar subQuantityOf: URI for OntoUML term 'subQuantityOf' :cvar subsetsProperty: URI for OntoUML term 'subsetsProperty' :cvar targetEnd: URI for OntoUML term 'targetEnd' :cvar targetView: URI for OntoUML term 'targetView' :cvar termination: URI for OntoUML term 'termination' :cvar text: URI for OntoUML term 'text' :cvar Text: URI for OntoUML term 'Text' :cvar topLeftPosition: URI for OntoUML term 'topLeftPosition' :cvar triggers: URI for OntoUML term 'triggers' :cvar type: URI for OntoUML term 'type' :cvar typeNature: URI for OntoUML term 'typeNature' :cvar upperBound: URI for OntoUML term 'upperBound' :cvar width: URI for OntoUML term 'width' :cvar xCoordinate: URI for OntoUML term 'xCoordinate' :cvar yCoordinate: URI for OntoUML term 'yCoordinate' :cvar _fail: Flag indicating whether failed lookups should raise an exception. :cvar _NS: Namespace for the OntoUML vocabulary. .. py:attribute:: abstract :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: abstractNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: aggregationKind :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: AggregationKind :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: attribute :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: begin :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: bringsAbout :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: cardinality :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Cardinality :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: cardinalityValue :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: categorizer :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: category :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: characterization :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Class :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Classifier :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: ClassStereotype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: ClassView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: collective :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: collectiveNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: comparative :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: componentOf :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: composite :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: ConnectorView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: containsModelElement :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: containsView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: creation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: datatype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: DecoratableElement :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: derivation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: description :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: diagram :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Diagram :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: DiagramElement :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: ElementView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: end :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: enumeration :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: event :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: eventNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: externalDependence :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: extrinsicModeNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: functionalComplexNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: general :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: generalization :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Generalization :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: GeneralizationSet :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: GeneralizationSetView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: GeneralizationView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: height :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: historicalDependence :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: historicalRole :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: historicalRoleMixin :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: instantiation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: intrinsicModeNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isAbstract :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isComplete :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isDerived :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isDisjoint :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isExtensional :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isOrdered :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isPowertype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isReadOnly :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isViewOf :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: kind :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: literal :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Literal :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: lowerBound :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: manifestation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: material :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: mediation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: memberOf :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: mixin :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: mode :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: model :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: ModelElement :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: name :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: NodeView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: none :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Note :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: NoteView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: OntologicalNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: OntoumlElement :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: order :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: owner :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Package :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: PackageView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: participation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: participational :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Path :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: phase :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: phaseMixin :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: point :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Point :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: project :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Project :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: property :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Property :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: PropertyStereotype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: propertyType :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: quality :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: qualityNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: quantity :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: quantityNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Rectangle :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: RectangularShape :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: redefinesProperty :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Relation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: relationEnd :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: RelationStereotype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: RelationView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: relator :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: relatorNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: restrictedTo :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: role :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: roleMixin :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: shape :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Shape :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: shared :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: situation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: situationNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: sourceEnd :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: sourceView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: specific :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: stereotype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Stereotype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: subCollectionOf :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: subkind :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: subQuantityOf :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: subsetsProperty :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: targetEnd :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: targetView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: termination :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: text :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Text :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: topLeftPosition :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: triggers :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: type :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: typeNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: upperBound :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: width :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: xCoordinate :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: yCoordinate :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: _fail :value: True .. py:attribute:: _NS .. py:method:: get_list_all() :classmethod: Retrieve a list of all public attributes of the OntoUML class, i.e., all terms contained in the OntoUML Vocabulary. This method uses introspection to find all attributes and methods of the OntoUML class that do not begin with an underscore (which by convention are considered private), and returns a list containing the names of these attributes and methods. :return: A list containing the names of all public attributes and methods of the OntoUML class. :rtype: list[URIRef] .. py:method:: get_namespace() :classmethod: Retrieve the OntoUML namespace URI. This method returns the OntoUML namespace URI as a string. The namespace URI is a prefix that can be used to construct full URIs for terms in the OntoUML vocabulary. Usage example: ``` ns = OntoUML.get_namespace() ``` :return: The OntoUML namespace URI as a string. :rtype: str .. py:method:: get_term(str_term) :classmethod: Retrieve the URIRef of a term from the OntoUML vocabulary. Given a term name as a string, this method retrieves its associated URIRef from the OntoUML vocabulary. The method ensures compliance with OntoUML vocabulary version 1.1.0. If the term is unavailable or nonexistent, an exception is raised. :param str_term: The name of the OntoUML term to retrieve. :type str_term: str :return: URIRef associated with the specified OntoUML term. :rtype: URIRef :raises OUUnavailableOUTerm: If the term is not available in the OntoUML vocabulary. Example: ``` from ontouml_namespace import OntoUML try: my_term = OntoUML.get_term('Class') # Result: rdflib.term.URIRef('https://w3id.org/ontouml#Class') except OUUnavailableOUTerm: print("Specified term is not available in OntoUML vocabulary.") ``` .. py:data:: ONTOUML_BASE_SORTAL_CLASS_STEREOTYPES :value: () .. py:data:: ONTOUML_ULTIMATE_SORTAL_CLASS_STEREOTYPES :value: () .. py:data:: ONTOUML_SORTAL_CLASS_STEREOTYPES :value: () .. py:data:: ONTOUML_NON_SORTAL_CLASS_STEREOTYPES :value: () .. py:data:: ONTOUML_ABSTRACT_CLASS_STEREOTYPES :value: () .. py:data:: ONTOUML_RIGID_CLASS_STEREOTYPES :value: () .. py:data:: ONTOUML_ANTI_RIGID_CLASS_STEREOTYPES :value: () .. py:data:: ONTOUML_SEMI_RIGID_CLASS_STEREOTYPES :value: () .. py:data:: ONTOUML_CLASS_STEREOTYPES :value: () .. py:class:: OntoUML Bases: :py:obj:`rdflib.namespace.DefinedNamespace` Class to provide terms from the OntoUML vocabulary in an easy way. This class utilizes RDFLib structure for defining and accessing OntoUML terms. It provides access to OntoUML vocabulary terms and their associated URIs. It complies with the OntoUML vocabulary version 1.1.0 available at https://w3id.org/ontouml/vocabulary/v1.1.0. :cvar abstract: URI for OntoUML term 'abstract' :cvar abstractNature: URI for OntoUML term 'abstractNature' :cvar aggregationKind: URI for OntoUML term 'aggregationKind' :cvar AggregationKind: URI for OntoUML term 'AggregationKind' :cvar attribute: URI for OntoUML term 'attribute' :cvar begin: URI for OntoUML term 'begin' :cvar bringsAbout: URI for OntoUML term 'bringsAbout' :cvar cardinality: URI for OntoUML term 'cardinality' :cvar Cardinality: URI for OntoUML term 'Cardinality' :cvar cardinalityValue: URI for OntoUML term 'cardinalityValue' :cvar categorizer: URI for OntoUML term 'categorizer' :cvar category: URI for OntoUML term 'category' :cvar characterization: URI for OntoUML term 'characterization' :cvar Class: URI for OntoUML term 'Class' :cvar Classifier: URI for OntoUML term 'Classifier' :cvar ClassStereotype: URI for OntoUML term 'ClassStereotype' :cvar ClassView: URI for OntoUML term 'ClassView' :cvar collective: URI for OntoUML term 'collective' :cvar collectiveNature: URI for OntoUML term 'collectiveNature' :cvar comparative: URI for OntoUML term 'comparative' :cvar componentOf: URI for OntoUML term 'componentOf' :cvar composite: URI for OntoUML term 'composite' :cvar ConnectorView: URI for OntoUML term 'ConnectorView' :cvar containsModelElement: URI for OntoUML term 'containsModelElement' :cvar containsView: URI for OntoUML term 'containsView' :cvar creation: URI for OntoUML term 'creation' :cvar datatype: URI for OntoUML term 'datatype' :cvar DecoratableElement: URI for OntoUML term 'DecoratableElement' :cvar derivation: URI for OntoUML term 'derivation' :cvar description: URI for OntoUML term 'description' :cvar diagram: URI for OntoUML term 'diagram' :cvar Diagram: URI for OntoUML term 'Diagram' :cvar DiagramElement: URI for OntoUML term 'DiagramElement' :cvar ElementView: URI for OntoUML term 'ElementView' :cvar end: URI for OntoUML term 'end' :cvar enumeration: URI for OntoUML term 'enumeration' :cvar event: URI for OntoUML term 'event' :cvar eventNature: URI for OntoUML term 'eventNature' :cvar externalDependence: URI for OntoUML term 'externalDependence' :cvar extrinsicModeNature: URI for OntoUML term 'extrinsicModeNature' :cvar functionalComplexNature: URI for OntoUML term 'functionalComplexNature' :cvar general: URI for OntoUML term 'general' :cvar generalization: URI for OntoUML term 'generalization' :cvar Generalization: URI for OntoUML term 'Generalization' :cvar GeneralizationSet: URI for OntoUML term 'GeneralizationSet' :cvar GeneralizationSetView: URI for OntoUML term 'GeneralizationSetView' :cvar GeneralizationView: URI for OntoUML term 'GeneralizationView' :cvar height: URI for OntoUML term 'height' :cvar historicalDependence: URI for OntoUML term 'historicalDependence' :cvar historicalRole: URI for OntoUML term 'historicalRole' :cvar historicalRoleMixin: URI for OntoUML term 'historicalRoleMixin' :cvar instantiation: URI for OntoUML term 'instantiation' :cvar intrinsicModeNature: URI for OntoUML term 'intrinsicModeNature' :cvar isAbstract: URI for OntoUML term 'isAbstract' :cvar isComplete: URI for OntoUML term 'isComplete' :cvar isDerived: URI for OntoUML term 'isDerived' :cvar isDisjoint: URI for OntoUML term 'isDisjoint' :cvar isExtensional: URI for OntoUML term 'isExtensional' :cvar isOrdered: URI for OntoUML term 'isOrdered' :cvar isPowertype: URI for OntoUML term 'isPowertype' :cvar isReadOnly: URI for OntoUML term 'isReadOnly' :cvar isViewOf: URI for OntoUML term 'isViewOf' :cvar kind: URI for OntoUML term 'kind' :cvar literal: URI for OntoUML term 'literal' :cvar Literal: URI for OntoUML term 'Literal' :cvar lowerBound: URI for OntoUML term 'lowerBound' :cvar manifestation: URI for OntoUML term 'manifestation' :cvar material: URI for OntoUML term 'material' :cvar mediation: URI for OntoUML term 'mediation' :cvar memberOf: URI for OntoUML term 'memberOf' :cvar mixin: URI for OntoUML term 'mixin' :cvar mode: URI for OntoUML term 'mode' :cvar model: URI for OntoUML term 'model' :cvar ModelElement: URI for OntoUML term 'ModelElement' :cvar name: URI for OntoUML term 'name' :cvar NodeView: URI for OntoUML term 'NodeView' :cvar none: URI for OntoUML term 'none' :cvar Note: URI for OntoUML term 'Note' :cvar NoteView: URI for OntoUML term 'NoteView' :cvar OntologicalNature: URI for OntoUML term 'OntologicalNature' :cvar OntoumlElement: URI for OntoUML term 'OntoumlElement' :cvar order: URI for OntoUML term 'order' :cvar owner: URI for OntoUML term 'owner' :cvar Package: URI for OntoUML term 'Package' :cvar PackageView: URI for OntoUML term 'PackageView' :cvar participation: URI for OntoUML term 'participation' :cvar participational: URI for OntoUML term 'participational' :cvar Path: URI for OntoUML term 'Path' :cvar phase: URI for OntoUML term 'phase' :cvar phaseMixin: URI for OntoUML term 'phaseMixin' :cvar point: URI for OntoUML term 'point' :cvar Point: URI for OntoUML term 'Point' :cvar project: URI for OntoUML term 'project' :cvar Project: URI for OntoUML term 'Project' :cvar property: URI for OntoUML term 'property' :cvar Property: URI for OntoUML term 'Property' :cvar PropertyStereotype: URI for OntoUML term 'PropertyStereotype' :cvar propertyType: URI for OntoUML term 'propertyType' :cvar quality: URI for OntoUML term 'quality' :cvar qualityNature: URI for OntoUML term 'qualityNature' :cvar quantity: URI for OntoUML term 'quantity' :cvar quantityNature: URI for OntoUML term 'quantityNature' :cvar Rectangle: URI for OntoUML term 'Rectangle' :cvar RectangularShape: URI for OntoUML term 'RectangularShape' :cvar redefinesProperty: URI for OntoUML term 'redefinesProperty' :cvar Relation: URI for OntoUML term 'Relation' :cvar relationEnd: URI for OntoUML term 'relationEnd' :cvar RelationStereotype: URI for OntoUML term 'RelationStereotype' :cvar RelationView: URI for OntoUML term 'RelationView' :cvar relator: URI for OntoUML term 'relator' :cvar relatorNature: URI for OntoUML term 'relatorNature' :cvar restrictedTo: URI for OntoUML term 'restrictedTo' :cvar role: URI for OntoUML term 'role' :cvar roleMixin: URI for OntoUML term 'roleMixin' :cvar shape: URI for OntoUML term 'shape' :cvar Shape: URI for OntoUML term 'Shape' :cvar shared: URI for OntoUML term 'shared' :cvar situation: URI for OntoUML term 'situation' :cvar situationNature: URI for OntoUML term 'situationNature' :cvar sourceEnd: URI for OntoUML term 'sourceEnd' :cvar sourceView: URI for OntoUML term 'sourceView' :cvar specific: URI for OntoUML term 'specific' :cvar stereotype: URI for OntoUML term 'stereotype' :cvar Stereotype: URI for OntoUML term 'Stereotype' :cvar subCollectionOf: URI for OntoUML term 'subCollectionOf' :cvar subkind: URI for OntoUML term 'subkind' :cvar subQuantityOf: URI for OntoUML term 'subQuantityOf' :cvar subsetsProperty: URI for OntoUML term 'subsetsProperty' :cvar targetEnd: URI for OntoUML term 'targetEnd' :cvar targetView: URI for OntoUML term 'targetView' :cvar termination: URI for OntoUML term 'termination' :cvar text: URI for OntoUML term 'text' :cvar Text: URI for OntoUML term 'Text' :cvar topLeftPosition: URI for OntoUML term 'topLeftPosition' :cvar triggers: URI for OntoUML term 'triggers' :cvar type: URI for OntoUML term 'type' :cvar typeNature: URI for OntoUML term 'typeNature' :cvar upperBound: URI for OntoUML term 'upperBound' :cvar width: URI for OntoUML term 'width' :cvar xCoordinate: URI for OntoUML term 'xCoordinate' :cvar yCoordinate: URI for OntoUML term 'yCoordinate' :cvar _fail: Flag indicating whether failed lookups should raise an exception. :cvar _NS: Namespace for the OntoUML vocabulary. .. py:attribute:: abstract :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: abstractNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: aggregationKind :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: AggregationKind :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: attribute :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: begin :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: bringsAbout :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: cardinality :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Cardinality :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: cardinalityValue :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: categorizer :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: category :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: characterization :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Class :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Classifier :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: ClassStereotype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: ClassView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: collective :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: collectiveNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: comparative :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: componentOf :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: composite :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: ConnectorView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: containsModelElement :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: containsView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: creation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: datatype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: DecoratableElement :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: derivation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: description :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: diagram :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Diagram :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: DiagramElement :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: ElementView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: end :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: enumeration :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: event :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: eventNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: externalDependence :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: extrinsicModeNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: functionalComplexNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: general :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: generalization :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Generalization :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: GeneralizationSet :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: GeneralizationSetView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: GeneralizationView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: height :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: historicalDependence :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: historicalRole :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: historicalRoleMixin :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: instantiation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: intrinsicModeNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isAbstract :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isComplete :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isDerived :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isDisjoint :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isExtensional :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isOrdered :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isPowertype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isReadOnly :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isViewOf :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: kind :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: literal :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Literal :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: lowerBound :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: manifestation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: material :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: mediation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: memberOf :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: mixin :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: mode :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: model :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: ModelElement :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: name :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: NodeView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: none :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Note :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: NoteView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: OntologicalNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: OntoumlElement :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: order :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: owner :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Package :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: PackageView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: participation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: participational :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Path :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: phase :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: phaseMixin :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: point :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Point :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: project :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Project :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: property :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Property :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: PropertyStereotype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: propertyType :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: quality :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: qualityNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: quantity :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: quantityNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Rectangle :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: RectangularShape :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: redefinesProperty :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Relation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: relationEnd :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: RelationStereotype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: RelationView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: relator :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: relatorNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: restrictedTo :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: role :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: roleMixin :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: shape :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Shape :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: shared :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: situation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: situationNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: sourceEnd :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: sourceView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: specific :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: stereotype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Stereotype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: subCollectionOf :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: subkind :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: subQuantityOf :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: subsetsProperty :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: targetEnd :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: targetView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: termination :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: text :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Text :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: topLeftPosition :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: triggers :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: type :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: typeNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: upperBound :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: width :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: xCoordinate :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: yCoordinate :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: _fail :value: True .. py:attribute:: _NS .. py:method:: get_list_all() :classmethod: Retrieve a list of all public attributes of the OntoUML class, i.e., all terms contained in the OntoUML Vocabulary. This method uses introspection to find all attributes and methods of the OntoUML class that do not begin with an underscore (which by convention are considered private), and returns a list containing the names of these attributes and methods. :return: A list containing the names of all public attributes and methods of the OntoUML class. :rtype: list[URIRef] .. py:method:: get_namespace() :classmethod: Retrieve the OntoUML namespace URI. This method returns the OntoUML namespace URI as a string. The namespace URI is a prefix that can be used to construct full URIs for terms in the OntoUML vocabulary. Usage example: ``` ns = OntoUML.get_namespace() ``` :return: The OntoUML namespace URI as a string. :rtype: str .. py:method:: get_term(str_term) :classmethod: Retrieve the URIRef of a term from the OntoUML vocabulary. Given a term name as a string, this method retrieves its associated URIRef from the OntoUML vocabulary. The method ensures compliance with OntoUML vocabulary version 1.1.0. If the term is unavailable or nonexistent, an exception is raised. :param str_term: The name of the OntoUML term to retrieve. :type str_term: str :return: URIRef associated with the specified OntoUML term. :rtype: URIRef :raises OUUnavailableOUTerm: If the term is not available in the OntoUML vocabulary. Example: ``` from ontouml_namespace import OntoUML try: my_term = OntoUML.get_term('Class') # Result: rdflib.term.URIRef('https://w3id.org/ontouml#Class') except OUUnavailableOUTerm: print("Specified term is not available in OntoUML vocabulary.") ``` .. py:data:: ONTOUML_RELATION_STEREOTYPES :value: () .. py:data:: ONTOUML_PROPERTY_STEREOTYPES :value: () .. py:data:: ONTOUML_AGGREGATION_KINDS :value: () .. py:data:: ONTOUML_ONTOLOGICAL_NATURES :value: () .. py:data:: ONTOUML_ABSTRACT_ELEMENTS :value: () .. py:data:: ONTOUML_CONCRETE_ELEMENTS :value: () .. py:exception:: OUUnavailableTerm(ou_term) Bases: :py:obj:`ValueError` Custom exception for handling cases where an OUTerm is unavailable in the OntoUML Vocabulary. This exception is raised when a given OUTerm does not exist or is not found in the OntoUML Vocabulary, providing clear feedback that the requested term is unavailable or incorrectly specified. :param ou_term: The OUTerm that does not exist in the OntoUML Vocabulary. :type ou_term: str .. py:class:: OntoUML Bases: :py:obj:`rdflib.namespace.DefinedNamespace` Class to provide terms from the OntoUML vocabulary in an easy way. This class utilizes RDFLib structure for defining and accessing OntoUML terms. It provides access to OntoUML vocabulary terms and their associated URIs. It complies with the OntoUML vocabulary version 1.1.0 available at https://w3id.org/ontouml/vocabulary/v1.1.0. :cvar abstract: URI for OntoUML term 'abstract' :cvar abstractNature: URI for OntoUML term 'abstractNature' :cvar aggregationKind: URI for OntoUML term 'aggregationKind' :cvar AggregationKind: URI for OntoUML term 'AggregationKind' :cvar attribute: URI for OntoUML term 'attribute' :cvar begin: URI for OntoUML term 'begin' :cvar bringsAbout: URI for OntoUML term 'bringsAbout' :cvar cardinality: URI for OntoUML term 'cardinality' :cvar Cardinality: URI for OntoUML term 'Cardinality' :cvar cardinalityValue: URI for OntoUML term 'cardinalityValue' :cvar categorizer: URI for OntoUML term 'categorizer' :cvar category: URI for OntoUML term 'category' :cvar characterization: URI for OntoUML term 'characterization' :cvar Class: URI for OntoUML term 'Class' :cvar Classifier: URI for OntoUML term 'Classifier' :cvar ClassStereotype: URI for OntoUML term 'ClassStereotype' :cvar ClassView: URI for OntoUML term 'ClassView' :cvar collective: URI for OntoUML term 'collective' :cvar collectiveNature: URI for OntoUML term 'collectiveNature' :cvar comparative: URI for OntoUML term 'comparative' :cvar componentOf: URI for OntoUML term 'componentOf' :cvar composite: URI for OntoUML term 'composite' :cvar ConnectorView: URI for OntoUML term 'ConnectorView' :cvar containsModelElement: URI for OntoUML term 'containsModelElement' :cvar containsView: URI for OntoUML term 'containsView' :cvar creation: URI for OntoUML term 'creation' :cvar datatype: URI for OntoUML term 'datatype' :cvar DecoratableElement: URI for OntoUML term 'DecoratableElement' :cvar derivation: URI for OntoUML term 'derivation' :cvar description: URI for OntoUML term 'description' :cvar diagram: URI for OntoUML term 'diagram' :cvar Diagram: URI for OntoUML term 'Diagram' :cvar DiagramElement: URI for OntoUML term 'DiagramElement' :cvar ElementView: URI for OntoUML term 'ElementView' :cvar end: URI for OntoUML term 'end' :cvar enumeration: URI for OntoUML term 'enumeration' :cvar event: URI for OntoUML term 'event' :cvar eventNature: URI for OntoUML term 'eventNature' :cvar externalDependence: URI for OntoUML term 'externalDependence' :cvar extrinsicModeNature: URI for OntoUML term 'extrinsicModeNature' :cvar functionalComplexNature: URI for OntoUML term 'functionalComplexNature' :cvar general: URI for OntoUML term 'general' :cvar generalization: URI for OntoUML term 'generalization' :cvar Generalization: URI for OntoUML term 'Generalization' :cvar GeneralizationSet: URI for OntoUML term 'GeneralizationSet' :cvar GeneralizationSetView: URI for OntoUML term 'GeneralizationSetView' :cvar GeneralizationView: URI for OntoUML term 'GeneralizationView' :cvar height: URI for OntoUML term 'height' :cvar historicalDependence: URI for OntoUML term 'historicalDependence' :cvar historicalRole: URI for OntoUML term 'historicalRole' :cvar historicalRoleMixin: URI for OntoUML term 'historicalRoleMixin' :cvar instantiation: URI for OntoUML term 'instantiation' :cvar intrinsicModeNature: URI for OntoUML term 'intrinsicModeNature' :cvar isAbstract: URI for OntoUML term 'isAbstract' :cvar isComplete: URI for OntoUML term 'isComplete' :cvar isDerived: URI for OntoUML term 'isDerived' :cvar isDisjoint: URI for OntoUML term 'isDisjoint' :cvar isExtensional: URI for OntoUML term 'isExtensional' :cvar isOrdered: URI for OntoUML term 'isOrdered' :cvar isPowertype: URI for OntoUML term 'isPowertype' :cvar isReadOnly: URI for OntoUML term 'isReadOnly' :cvar isViewOf: URI for OntoUML term 'isViewOf' :cvar kind: URI for OntoUML term 'kind' :cvar literal: URI for OntoUML term 'literal' :cvar Literal: URI for OntoUML term 'Literal' :cvar lowerBound: URI for OntoUML term 'lowerBound' :cvar manifestation: URI for OntoUML term 'manifestation' :cvar material: URI for OntoUML term 'material' :cvar mediation: URI for OntoUML term 'mediation' :cvar memberOf: URI for OntoUML term 'memberOf' :cvar mixin: URI for OntoUML term 'mixin' :cvar mode: URI for OntoUML term 'mode' :cvar model: URI for OntoUML term 'model' :cvar ModelElement: URI for OntoUML term 'ModelElement' :cvar name: URI for OntoUML term 'name' :cvar NodeView: URI for OntoUML term 'NodeView' :cvar none: URI for OntoUML term 'none' :cvar Note: URI for OntoUML term 'Note' :cvar NoteView: URI for OntoUML term 'NoteView' :cvar OntologicalNature: URI for OntoUML term 'OntologicalNature' :cvar OntoumlElement: URI for OntoUML term 'OntoumlElement' :cvar order: URI for OntoUML term 'order' :cvar owner: URI for OntoUML term 'owner' :cvar Package: URI for OntoUML term 'Package' :cvar PackageView: URI for OntoUML term 'PackageView' :cvar participation: URI for OntoUML term 'participation' :cvar participational: URI for OntoUML term 'participational' :cvar Path: URI for OntoUML term 'Path' :cvar phase: URI for OntoUML term 'phase' :cvar phaseMixin: URI for OntoUML term 'phaseMixin' :cvar point: URI for OntoUML term 'point' :cvar Point: URI for OntoUML term 'Point' :cvar project: URI for OntoUML term 'project' :cvar Project: URI for OntoUML term 'Project' :cvar property: URI for OntoUML term 'property' :cvar Property: URI for OntoUML term 'Property' :cvar PropertyStereotype: URI for OntoUML term 'PropertyStereotype' :cvar propertyType: URI for OntoUML term 'propertyType' :cvar quality: URI for OntoUML term 'quality' :cvar qualityNature: URI for OntoUML term 'qualityNature' :cvar quantity: URI for OntoUML term 'quantity' :cvar quantityNature: URI for OntoUML term 'quantityNature' :cvar Rectangle: URI for OntoUML term 'Rectangle' :cvar RectangularShape: URI for OntoUML term 'RectangularShape' :cvar redefinesProperty: URI for OntoUML term 'redefinesProperty' :cvar Relation: URI for OntoUML term 'Relation' :cvar relationEnd: URI for OntoUML term 'relationEnd' :cvar RelationStereotype: URI for OntoUML term 'RelationStereotype' :cvar RelationView: URI for OntoUML term 'RelationView' :cvar relator: URI for OntoUML term 'relator' :cvar relatorNature: URI for OntoUML term 'relatorNature' :cvar restrictedTo: URI for OntoUML term 'restrictedTo' :cvar role: URI for OntoUML term 'role' :cvar roleMixin: URI for OntoUML term 'roleMixin' :cvar shape: URI for OntoUML term 'shape' :cvar Shape: URI for OntoUML term 'Shape' :cvar shared: URI for OntoUML term 'shared' :cvar situation: URI for OntoUML term 'situation' :cvar situationNature: URI for OntoUML term 'situationNature' :cvar sourceEnd: URI for OntoUML term 'sourceEnd' :cvar sourceView: URI for OntoUML term 'sourceView' :cvar specific: URI for OntoUML term 'specific' :cvar stereotype: URI for OntoUML term 'stereotype' :cvar Stereotype: URI for OntoUML term 'Stereotype' :cvar subCollectionOf: URI for OntoUML term 'subCollectionOf' :cvar subkind: URI for OntoUML term 'subkind' :cvar subQuantityOf: URI for OntoUML term 'subQuantityOf' :cvar subsetsProperty: URI for OntoUML term 'subsetsProperty' :cvar targetEnd: URI for OntoUML term 'targetEnd' :cvar targetView: URI for OntoUML term 'targetView' :cvar termination: URI for OntoUML term 'termination' :cvar text: URI for OntoUML term 'text' :cvar Text: URI for OntoUML term 'Text' :cvar topLeftPosition: URI for OntoUML term 'topLeftPosition' :cvar triggers: URI for OntoUML term 'triggers' :cvar type: URI for OntoUML term 'type' :cvar typeNature: URI for OntoUML term 'typeNature' :cvar upperBound: URI for OntoUML term 'upperBound' :cvar width: URI for OntoUML term 'width' :cvar xCoordinate: URI for OntoUML term 'xCoordinate' :cvar yCoordinate: URI for OntoUML term 'yCoordinate' :cvar _fail: Flag indicating whether failed lookups should raise an exception. :cvar _NS: Namespace for the OntoUML vocabulary. .. py:attribute:: abstract :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: abstractNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: aggregationKind :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: AggregationKind :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: attribute :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: begin :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: bringsAbout :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: cardinality :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Cardinality :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: cardinalityValue :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: categorizer :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: category :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: characterization :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Class :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Classifier :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: ClassStereotype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: ClassView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: collective :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: collectiveNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: comparative :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: componentOf :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: composite :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: ConnectorView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: containsModelElement :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: containsView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: creation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: datatype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: DecoratableElement :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: derivation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: description :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: diagram :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Diagram :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: DiagramElement :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: ElementView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: end :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: enumeration :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: event :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: eventNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: externalDependence :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: extrinsicModeNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: functionalComplexNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: general :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: generalization :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Generalization :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: GeneralizationSet :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: GeneralizationSetView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: GeneralizationView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: height :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: historicalDependence :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: historicalRole :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: historicalRoleMixin :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: instantiation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: intrinsicModeNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isAbstract :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isComplete :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isDerived :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isDisjoint :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isExtensional :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isOrdered :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isPowertype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isReadOnly :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: isViewOf :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: kind :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: literal :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Literal :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: lowerBound :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: manifestation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: material :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: mediation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: memberOf :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: mixin :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: mode :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: model :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: ModelElement :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: name :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: NodeView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: none :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Note :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: NoteView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: OntologicalNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: OntoumlElement :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: order :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: owner :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Package :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: PackageView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: participation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: participational :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Path :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: phase :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: phaseMixin :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: point :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Point :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: project :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Project :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: property :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Property :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: PropertyStereotype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: propertyType :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: quality :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: qualityNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: quantity :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: quantityNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Rectangle :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: RectangularShape :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: redefinesProperty :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Relation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: relationEnd :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: RelationStereotype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: RelationView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: relator :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: relatorNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: restrictedTo :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: role :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: roleMixin :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: shape :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Shape :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: shared :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: situation :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: situationNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: sourceEnd :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: sourceView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: specific :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: stereotype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Stereotype :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: subCollectionOf :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: subkind :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: subQuantityOf :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: subsetsProperty :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: targetEnd :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: targetView :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: termination :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: text :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: Text :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: topLeftPosition :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: triggers :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: type :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: typeNature :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: upperBound :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: width :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: xCoordinate :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: yCoordinate :type: rdflib.URIRef .. py:attribute:: _fail :value: True .. py:attribute:: _NS .. py:method:: get_list_all() :classmethod: Retrieve a list of all public attributes of the OntoUML class, i.e., all terms contained in the OntoUML Vocabulary. This method uses introspection to find all attributes and methods of the OntoUML class that do not begin with an underscore (which by convention are considered private), and returns a list containing the names of these attributes and methods. :return: A list containing the names of all public attributes and methods of the OntoUML class. :rtype: list[URIRef] .. py:method:: get_namespace() :classmethod: Retrieve the OntoUML namespace URI. This method returns the OntoUML namespace URI as a string. The namespace URI is a prefix that can be used to construct full URIs for terms in the OntoUML vocabulary. Usage example: ``` ns = OntoUML.get_namespace() ``` :return: The OntoUML namespace URI as a string. :rtype: str .. py:method:: get_term(str_term) :classmethod: Retrieve the URIRef of a term from the OntoUML vocabulary. Given a term name as a string, this method retrieves its associated URIRef from the OntoUML vocabulary. The method ensures compliance with OntoUML vocabulary version 1.1.0. If the term is unavailable or nonexistent, an exception is raised. :param str_term: The name of the OntoUML term to retrieve. :type str_term: str :return: URIRef associated with the specified OntoUML term. :rtype: URIRef :raises OUUnavailableOUTerm: If the term is not available in the OntoUML vocabulary. Example: ``` from ontouml_namespace import OntoUML try: my_term = OntoUML.get_term('Class') # Result: rdflib.term.URIRef('https://w3id.org/ontouml#Class') except OUUnavailableOUTerm: print("Specified term is not available in OntoUML vocabulary.") ``` .. py:exception:: OUUnavailableTerm(ou_term) Bases: :py:obj:`ValueError` Custom exception for handling cases where an OUTerm is unavailable in the OntoUML Vocabulary. This exception is raised when a given OUTerm does not exist or is not found in the OntoUML Vocabulary, providing clear feedback that the requested term is unavailable or incorrectly specified. :param ou_term: The OUTerm that does not exist in the OntoUML Vocabulary. :type ou_term: str