:py:mod:`ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_constants.fixtures_test_constants` ============================================================================= .. py:module:: ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_constants.fixtures_test_constants .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Fixtures for testing the OntoUML constants. This module provides fixtures for testing the constant values defined in the OntoUML vocabulary library. It imports various sets of predefined constants from the OntoUML vocabulary library and defines a dictionary to store the expected size of these sets. It also provides a set of utility functions for performing basic manipulations on tuples, which are used to generate a list of mutated tuples for testing. Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_constants.fixtures_test_constants.swap_first_two ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_constants.fixtures_test_constants.remove_first ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_constants.fixtures_test_constants.add_element ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_constants.fixtures_test_constants.replace_last ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_constants.fixtures_test_constants.reverse_order Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_constants.fixtures_test_constants.DICT_TUPLES_SIZE ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_constants.fixtures_test_constants.MUTATIONS ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_constants.fixtures_test_constants.TUPLES ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_constants.fixtures_test_constants.MUTANTS .. py:data:: DICT_TUPLES_SIZE .. py:function:: swap_first_two(original) Swap the first two elements of a given tuple. :param original: The original tuple. :type original: tuple :return: A new tuple with the first two elements swapped. If the tuple has fewer than two elements, returns the original tuple unmodified. :rtype: tuple .. py:function:: remove_first(original) Remove the first element from a given tuple. :param original: The original tuple. :type original: tuple :return: A new tuple with the first element removed. :rtype: tuple .. py:function:: add_element(original) Add a None element to the end of a given tuple. :param original: The original tuple. :type original: tuple :return: A new tuple with a None element added at the end. :rtype: tuple .. py:function:: replace_last(original) Replace the last element of a given tuple with the string "REPLACEMENT". :param original: The original tuple. :type original: tuple :return: A new tuple with the last element replaced by "REPLACEMENT". :rtype: tuple .. py:function:: reverse_order(original) Reverse the order of elements in a given tuple. :param original: The original tuple. :type original: tuple :return: A new tuple with the order of elements reversed. :rtype: tuple .. py:data:: MUTATIONS .. py:data:: TUPLES .. py:data:: MUTANTS