Module for testing exclusively the method get_namespace()of the OntoUML class.
Module Contents
Ensure get_namespace returns the expected namespace URI. |
Verify get_namespace returns a valid namespace. |
Check the return type of get_namespace. |
Confirm get_namespace raises TypeError when provided an argument. |
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_ontouml.test_ontouml_get_namespace.test_get_namespace_equals_ns_attribute_and_ok_base_uri()
Ensure get_namespace returns the expected namespace URI.
Validates that the OntoUML.get_namespace method returns a namespace URI equivalent to the ‘_NS’ class attribute and matches the predefined OK_BASE_URI.
- Return type:
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_ontouml.test_ontouml_get_namespace.test_get_namespace_is_not_none_and_differs_from_nok_base_uri()
Verify get_namespace returns a valid namespace.
Ensures the namespace returned by OntoUML.get_namespace is not None and does not equate to the undesired NOK_BASE_URI.
- Return type:
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_ontouml.test_ontouml_get_namespace.test_get_namespace_returns_string_type()
Check the return type of get_namespace.
Ensures the namespace URI returned by OntoUML.get_namespace is a string, validating its format for URI representation.
- Return type:
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_ontouml.test_ontouml_get_namespace.test_get_namespace_raises_typeerror_with_argument(in_arg)
Confirm get_namespace raises TypeError when provided an argument.
Tests various input types to ensure that the OntoUML.get_namespace method raises a TypeError when it is provided with an argument, affirming its designed usage without parameters.
- Return type: