Module for testing exclusively the method get_namespace of the OntoUML class.
Module Contents
Test if the string representation of a retrieved OntoUML term is valid. |
Test if a retrieved OntoUML term is included in the list of all OntoUML terms. |
Test if get_term returns instances of URIRef for valid term fragments. |
Test if get_term raises OUUnavailableTerm for invalid inputs. |
Test if get_term raises a TypeError when called without arguments. |
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_ontouml.test_ontouml_get_term.test_string_representation_validity(in_arg)
Test if the string representation of a retrieved OntoUML term is valid.
This test ensures that when provided with a valid term fragment as input, the get_term method returns a term whose string representation is found within the predefined list of all term strings (ALL_TERMS_STR).
- Parameters:
in_arg (str) – A fragment of an OntoUML term used as input to retrieve the term.
- Return type:
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_ontouml.test_ontouml_get_term.test_term_retrieval_inclusion(in_arg)
Test if a retrieved OntoUML term is included in the list of all OntoUML terms.
This test ensures that when provided with a valid term fragment as input, the get_term method returns a term that is found within the predefined list of all OntoUML terms obtained through the get_list_all method.
- Parameters:
in_arg (str) – A fragment of an OntoUML term used as input to retrieve the term.
- Return type:
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_ontouml.test_ontouml_get_term.test_get_term_type(in_arg)
Test if get_term returns instances of URIRef for valid term fragments.
The test ensures that when provided with a valid term fragment as input, the get_term method: - Does not return None. - Returns an instance of URIRef.
- Parameters:
in_arg (str) – A fragment of an OntoUML term.
- Return type:
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_ontouml.test_ontouml_get_term.test_get_term_with_invalid_inputs(in_arg)
Test if get_term raises OUUnavailableTerm for invalid inputs.
This test ensures that when provided with an invalid input (that does not correspond to any OntoUML term), the get_term method raises an exception of type OUUnavailableTerm.
- Parameters:
in_arg (str) – An invalid OntoUML term fragment.
- Return type:
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.tests.test_ontouml.test_ontouml_get_term.test_get_term_with_no_argument()
Test if get_term raises a TypeError when called without arguments.
This test ensures that when the get_term method is called without providing any input arguments, it raises an exception of type TypeError.
- Return type: