OntoUML Vocabulary Library.
This library provides support for working with OntoUML models, including utilities for handling OntoUML vocabulary terms, constants, and custom exceptions. It also includes a set of tests for validating the functionality provided by the library.
Package Contents
Class to provide terms from the OntoUML vocabulary in an easy way. |
Class to provide terms from the OntoUML vocabulary in an easy way. |
Class to provide terms from the OntoUML vocabulary in an easy way. |
- class ontouml_vocabulary_lib.OntoUML
Class to provide terms from the OntoUML vocabulary in an easy way.
This class utilizes RDFLib structure for defining and accessing OntoUML terms. It provides access to OntoUML vocabulary terms and their associated URIs.
It complies with the OntoUML vocabulary version 1.1.0 available at https://w3id.org/ontouml/vocabulary/v1.1.0.
- Variables:
abstract – URI for OntoUML term ‘abstract’
abstractNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘abstractNature’
aggregationKind – URI for OntoUML term ‘aggregationKind’
AggregationKind – URI for OntoUML term ‘AggregationKind’
attribute – URI for OntoUML term ‘attribute’
begin – URI for OntoUML term ‘begin’
bringsAbout – URI for OntoUML term ‘bringsAbout’
cardinality – URI for OntoUML term ‘cardinality’
Cardinality – URI for OntoUML term ‘Cardinality’
cardinalityValue – URI for OntoUML term ‘cardinalityValue’
categorizer – URI for OntoUML term ‘categorizer’
category – URI for OntoUML term ‘category’
characterization – URI for OntoUML term ‘characterization’
Class – URI for OntoUML term ‘Class’
Classifier – URI for OntoUML term ‘Classifier’
ClassStereotype – URI for OntoUML term ‘ClassStereotype’
ClassView – URI for OntoUML term ‘ClassView’
collective – URI for OntoUML term ‘collective’
collectiveNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘collectiveNature’
comparative – URI for OntoUML term ‘comparative’
componentOf – URI for OntoUML term ‘componentOf’
composite – URI for OntoUML term ‘composite’
ConnectorView – URI for OntoUML term ‘ConnectorView’
containsModelElement – URI for OntoUML term ‘containsModelElement’
containsView – URI for OntoUML term ‘containsView’
creation – URI for OntoUML term ‘creation’
datatype – URI for OntoUML term ‘datatype’
DecoratableElement – URI for OntoUML term ‘DecoratableElement’
derivation – URI for OntoUML term ‘derivation’
description – URI for OntoUML term ‘description’
diagram – URI for OntoUML term ‘diagram’
Diagram – URI for OntoUML term ‘Diagram’
DiagramElement – URI for OntoUML term ‘DiagramElement’
ElementView – URI for OntoUML term ‘ElementView’
end – URI for OntoUML term ‘end’
enumeration – URI for OntoUML term ‘enumeration’
event – URI for OntoUML term ‘event’
eventNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘eventNature’
externalDependence – URI for OntoUML term ‘externalDependence’
extrinsicModeNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘extrinsicModeNature’
functionalComplexNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘functionalComplexNature’
general – URI for OntoUML term ‘general’
generalization – URI for OntoUML term ‘generalization’
Generalization – URI for OntoUML term ‘Generalization’
GeneralizationSet – URI for OntoUML term ‘GeneralizationSet’
GeneralizationSetView – URI for OntoUML term ‘GeneralizationSetView’
GeneralizationView – URI for OntoUML term ‘GeneralizationView’
height – URI for OntoUML term ‘height’
historicalDependence – URI for OntoUML term ‘historicalDependence’
historicalRole – URI for OntoUML term ‘historicalRole’
historicalRoleMixin – URI for OntoUML term ‘historicalRoleMixin’
instantiation – URI for OntoUML term ‘instantiation’
intrinsicModeNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘intrinsicModeNature’
isAbstract – URI for OntoUML term ‘isAbstract’
isComplete – URI for OntoUML term ‘isComplete’
isDerived – URI for OntoUML term ‘isDerived’
isDisjoint – URI for OntoUML term ‘isDisjoint’
isExtensional – URI for OntoUML term ‘isExtensional’
isOrdered – URI for OntoUML term ‘isOrdered’
isPowertype – URI for OntoUML term ‘isPowertype’
isReadOnly – URI for OntoUML term ‘isReadOnly’
isViewOf – URI for OntoUML term ‘isViewOf’
kind – URI for OntoUML term ‘kind’
literal – URI for OntoUML term ‘literal’
Literal – URI for OntoUML term ‘Literal’
lowerBound – URI for OntoUML term ‘lowerBound’
manifestation – URI for OntoUML term ‘manifestation’
material – URI for OntoUML term ‘material’
mediation – URI for OntoUML term ‘mediation’
memberOf – URI for OntoUML term ‘memberOf’
mixin – URI for OntoUML term ‘mixin’
mode – URI for OntoUML term ‘mode’
model – URI for OntoUML term ‘model’
ModelElement – URI for OntoUML term ‘ModelElement’
name – URI for OntoUML term ‘name’
NodeView – URI for OntoUML term ‘NodeView’
none – URI for OntoUML term ‘none’
Note – URI for OntoUML term ‘Note’
NoteView – URI for OntoUML term ‘NoteView’
OntologicalNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘OntologicalNature’
OntoumlElement – URI for OntoUML term ‘OntoumlElement’
order – URI for OntoUML term ‘order’
owner – URI for OntoUML term ‘owner’
Package – URI for OntoUML term ‘Package’
PackageView – URI for OntoUML term ‘PackageView’
participation – URI for OntoUML term ‘participation’
participational – URI for OntoUML term ‘participational’
Path – URI for OntoUML term ‘Path’
phase – URI for OntoUML term ‘phase’
phaseMixin – URI for OntoUML term ‘phaseMixin’
point – URI for OntoUML term ‘point’
Point – URI for OntoUML term ‘Point’
project – URI for OntoUML term ‘project’
Project – URI for OntoUML term ‘Project’
property – URI for OntoUML term ‘property’
Property – URI for OntoUML term ‘Property’
PropertyStereotype – URI for OntoUML term ‘PropertyStereotype’
propertyType – URI for OntoUML term ‘propertyType’
quality – URI for OntoUML term ‘quality’
qualityNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘qualityNature’
quantity – URI for OntoUML term ‘quantity’
quantityNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘quantityNature’
Rectangle – URI for OntoUML term ‘Rectangle’
RectangularShape – URI for OntoUML term ‘RectangularShape’
redefinesProperty – URI for OntoUML term ‘redefinesProperty’
Relation – URI for OntoUML term ‘Relation’
relationEnd – URI for OntoUML term ‘relationEnd’
RelationStereotype – URI for OntoUML term ‘RelationStereotype’
RelationView – URI for OntoUML term ‘RelationView’
relator – URI for OntoUML term ‘relator’
relatorNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘relatorNature’
restrictedTo – URI for OntoUML term ‘restrictedTo’
role – URI for OntoUML term ‘role’
roleMixin – URI for OntoUML term ‘roleMixin’
shape – URI for OntoUML term ‘shape’
Shape – URI for OntoUML term ‘Shape’
shared – URI for OntoUML term ‘shared’
situation – URI for OntoUML term ‘situation’
situationNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘situationNature’
sourceEnd – URI for OntoUML term ‘sourceEnd’
sourceView – URI for OntoUML term ‘sourceView’
specific – URI for OntoUML term ‘specific’
stereotype – URI for OntoUML term ‘stereotype’
Stereotype – URI for OntoUML term ‘Stereotype’
subCollectionOf – URI for OntoUML term ‘subCollectionOf’
subkind – URI for OntoUML term ‘subkind’
subQuantityOf – URI for OntoUML term ‘subQuantityOf’
subsetsProperty – URI for OntoUML term ‘subsetsProperty’
targetEnd – URI for OntoUML term ‘targetEnd’
targetView – URI for OntoUML term ‘targetView’
termination – URI for OntoUML term ‘termination’
text – URI for OntoUML term ‘text’
Text – URI for OntoUML term ‘Text’
topLeftPosition – URI for OntoUML term ‘topLeftPosition’
triggers – URI for OntoUML term ‘triggers’
type – URI for OntoUML term ‘type’
typeNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘typeNature’
upperBound – URI for OntoUML term ‘upperBound’
width – URI for OntoUML term ‘width’
xCoordinate – URI for OntoUML term ‘xCoordinate’
yCoordinate – URI for OntoUML term ‘yCoordinate’
_fail – Flag indicating whether failed lookups should raise an exception.
_NS – Namespace for the OntoUML vocabulary.
- abstract: rdflib.URIRef
- abstractNature: rdflib.URIRef
- aggregationKind: rdflib.URIRef
- AggregationKind: rdflib.URIRef
- attribute: rdflib.URIRef
- begin: rdflib.URIRef
- bringsAbout: rdflib.URIRef
- cardinality: rdflib.URIRef
- Cardinality: rdflib.URIRef
- cardinalityValue: rdflib.URIRef
- categorizer: rdflib.URIRef
- category: rdflib.URIRef
- characterization: rdflib.URIRef
- Class: rdflib.URIRef
- Classifier: rdflib.URIRef
- ClassStereotype: rdflib.URIRef
- ClassView: rdflib.URIRef
- collective: rdflib.URIRef
- collectiveNature: rdflib.URIRef
- comparative: rdflib.URIRef
- componentOf: rdflib.URIRef
- composite: rdflib.URIRef
- ConnectorView: rdflib.URIRef
- containsModelElement: rdflib.URIRef
- containsView: rdflib.URIRef
- creation: rdflib.URIRef
- datatype: rdflib.URIRef
- DecoratableElement: rdflib.URIRef
- derivation: rdflib.URIRef
- description: rdflib.URIRef
- diagram: rdflib.URIRef
- Diagram: rdflib.URIRef
- DiagramElement: rdflib.URIRef
- ElementView: rdflib.URIRef
- end: rdflib.URIRef
- enumeration: rdflib.URIRef
- event: rdflib.URIRef
- eventNature: rdflib.URIRef
- externalDependence: rdflib.URIRef
- extrinsicModeNature: rdflib.URIRef
- functionalComplexNature: rdflib.URIRef
- general: rdflib.URIRef
- generalization: rdflib.URIRef
- Generalization: rdflib.URIRef
- GeneralizationSet: rdflib.URIRef
- GeneralizationSetView: rdflib.URIRef
- GeneralizationView: rdflib.URIRef
- height: rdflib.URIRef
- historicalDependence: rdflib.URIRef
- historicalRole: rdflib.URIRef
- historicalRoleMixin: rdflib.URIRef
- instantiation: rdflib.URIRef
- intrinsicModeNature: rdflib.URIRef
- isAbstract: rdflib.URIRef
- isComplete: rdflib.URIRef
- isDerived: rdflib.URIRef
- isDisjoint: rdflib.URIRef
- isExtensional: rdflib.URIRef
- isOrdered: rdflib.URIRef
- isPowertype: rdflib.URIRef
- isReadOnly: rdflib.URIRef
- isViewOf: rdflib.URIRef
- kind: rdflib.URIRef
- literal: rdflib.URIRef
- Literal: rdflib.URIRef
- lowerBound: rdflib.URIRef
- manifestation: rdflib.URIRef
- material: rdflib.URIRef
- mediation: rdflib.URIRef
- memberOf: rdflib.URIRef
- mixin: rdflib.URIRef
- mode: rdflib.URIRef
- model: rdflib.URIRef
- ModelElement: rdflib.URIRef
- name: rdflib.URIRef
- NodeView: rdflib.URIRef
- none: rdflib.URIRef
- Note: rdflib.URIRef
- NoteView: rdflib.URIRef
- OntologicalNature: rdflib.URIRef
- OntoumlElement: rdflib.URIRef
- order: rdflib.URIRef
- owner: rdflib.URIRef
- Package: rdflib.URIRef
- PackageView: rdflib.URIRef
- participation: rdflib.URIRef
- participational: rdflib.URIRef
- Path: rdflib.URIRef
- phase: rdflib.URIRef
- phaseMixin: rdflib.URIRef
- point: rdflib.URIRef
- Point: rdflib.URIRef
- project: rdflib.URIRef
- Project: rdflib.URIRef
- property: rdflib.URIRef
- Property: rdflib.URIRef
- PropertyStereotype: rdflib.URIRef
- propertyType: rdflib.URIRef
- quality: rdflib.URIRef
- qualityNature: rdflib.URIRef
- quantity: rdflib.URIRef
- quantityNature: rdflib.URIRef
- Rectangle: rdflib.URIRef
- RectangularShape: rdflib.URIRef
- redefinesProperty: rdflib.URIRef
- Relation: rdflib.URIRef
- relationEnd: rdflib.URIRef
- RelationStereotype: rdflib.URIRef
- RelationView: rdflib.URIRef
- relator: rdflib.URIRef
- relatorNature: rdflib.URIRef
- restrictedTo: rdflib.URIRef
- role: rdflib.URIRef
- roleMixin: rdflib.URIRef
- shape: rdflib.URIRef
- Shape: rdflib.URIRef
- situation: rdflib.URIRef
- situationNature: rdflib.URIRef
- sourceEnd: rdflib.URIRef
- sourceView: rdflib.URIRef
- specific: rdflib.URIRef
- stereotype: rdflib.URIRef
- Stereotype: rdflib.URIRef
- subCollectionOf: rdflib.URIRef
- subkind: rdflib.URIRef
- subQuantityOf: rdflib.URIRef
- subsetsProperty: rdflib.URIRef
- targetEnd: rdflib.URIRef
- targetView: rdflib.URIRef
- termination: rdflib.URIRef
- text: rdflib.URIRef
- Text: rdflib.URIRef
- topLeftPosition: rdflib.URIRef
- triggers: rdflib.URIRef
- type: rdflib.URIRef
- typeNature: rdflib.URIRef
- upperBound: rdflib.URIRef
- width: rdflib.URIRef
- xCoordinate: rdflib.URIRef
- yCoordinate: rdflib.URIRef
- _fail = True
- _NS
- classmethod get_list_all()
Retrieve a list of all public attributes of the OntoUML class, i.e., all terms contained in the OntoUML Vocabulary.
This method uses introspection to find all attributes and methods of the OntoUML class that do not begin with an underscore (which by convention are considered private), and returns a list containing the names of these attributes and methods.
- Returns:
A list containing the names of all public attributes and methods of the OntoUML class.
- Return type:
- classmethod get_namespace()
Retrieve the OntoUML namespace URI.
This method returns the OntoUML namespace URI as a string. The namespace URI is a prefix that can be used to construct full URIs for terms in the OntoUML vocabulary.
Usage example:
` ns = OntoUML.get_namespace() `
- Returns:
The OntoUML namespace URI as a string.
- Return type:
- classmethod get_term(str_term)
Retrieve the URIRef of a term from the OntoUML vocabulary.
Given a term name as a string, this method retrieves its associated URIRef from the OntoUML vocabulary. The method ensures compliance with OntoUML vocabulary version 1.1.0. If the term is unavailable or nonexistent, an exception is raised.
- Parameters:
str_term (str) – The name of the OntoUML term to retrieve.
- Returns:
URIRef associated with the specified OntoUML term.
- Return type:
- Raises:
OUUnavailableOUTerm – If the term is not available in the OntoUML vocabulary.
- Example:
``` from ontouml_namespace import OntoUML
- try:
my_term = OntoUML.get_term(‘Class’) # Result: rdflib.term.URIRef(’https://w3id.org/ontouml#Class’)
- except OUUnavailableOUTerm:
print(“Specified term is not available in OntoUML vocabulary.”)
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_BASE_SORTAL_CLASS_STEREOTYPES = ()
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_SORTAL_CLASS_STEREOTYPES = ()
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_NON_SORTAL_CLASS_STEREOTYPES = ()
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_ABSTRACT_CLASS_STEREOTYPES = ()
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_RIGID_CLASS_STEREOTYPES = ()
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_ANTI_RIGID_CLASS_STEREOTYPES = ()
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_SEMI_RIGID_CLASS_STEREOTYPES = ()
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_CLASS_STEREOTYPES = ()
- class ontouml_vocabulary_lib.OntoUML
Class to provide terms from the OntoUML vocabulary in an easy way.
This class utilizes RDFLib structure for defining and accessing OntoUML terms. It provides access to OntoUML vocabulary terms and their associated URIs.
It complies with the OntoUML vocabulary version 1.1.0 available at https://w3id.org/ontouml/vocabulary/v1.1.0.
- Variables:
abstract – URI for OntoUML term ‘abstract’
abstractNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘abstractNature’
aggregationKind – URI for OntoUML term ‘aggregationKind’
AggregationKind – URI for OntoUML term ‘AggregationKind’
attribute – URI for OntoUML term ‘attribute’
begin – URI for OntoUML term ‘begin’
bringsAbout – URI for OntoUML term ‘bringsAbout’
cardinality – URI for OntoUML term ‘cardinality’
Cardinality – URI for OntoUML term ‘Cardinality’
cardinalityValue – URI for OntoUML term ‘cardinalityValue’
categorizer – URI for OntoUML term ‘categorizer’
category – URI for OntoUML term ‘category’
characterization – URI for OntoUML term ‘characterization’
Class – URI for OntoUML term ‘Class’
Classifier – URI for OntoUML term ‘Classifier’
ClassStereotype – URI for OntoUML term ‘ClassStereotype’
ClassView – URI for OntoUML term ‘ClassView’
collective – URI for OntoUML term ‘collective’
collectiveNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘collectiveNature’
comparative – URI for OntoUML term ‘comparative’
componentOf – URI for OntoUML term ‘componentOf’
composite – URI for OntoUML term ‘composite’
ConnectorView – URI for OntoUML term ‘ConnectorView’
containsModelElement – URI for OntoUML term ‘containsModelElement’
containsView – URI for OntoUML term ‘containsView’
creation – URI for OntoUML term ‘creation’
datatype – URI for OntoUML term ‘datatype’
DecoratableElement – URI for OntoUML term ‘DecoratableElement’
derivation – URI for OntoUML term ‘derivation’
description – URI for OntoUML term ‘description’
diagram – URI for OntoUML term ‘diagram’
Diagram – URI for OntoUML term ‘Diagram’
DiagramElement – URI for OntoUML term ‘DiagramElement’
ElementView – URI for OntoUML term ‘ElementView’
end – URI for OntoUML term ‘end’
enumeration – URI for OntoUML term ‘enumeration’
event – URI for OntoUML term ‘event’
eventNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘eventNature’
externalDependence – URI for OntoUML term ‘externalDependence’
extrinsicModeNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘extrinsicModeNature’
functionalComplexNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘functionalComplexNature’
general – URI for OntoUML term ‘general’
generalization – URI for OntoUML term ‘generalization’
Generalization – URI for OntoUML term ‘Generalization’
GeneralizationSet – URI for OntoUML term ‘GeneralizationSet’
GeneralizationSetView – URI for OntoUML term ‘GeneralizationSetView’
GeneralizationView – URI for OntoUML term ‘GeneralizationView’
height – URI for OntoUML term ‘height’
historicalDependence – URI for OntoUML term ‘historicalDependence’
historicalRole – URI for OntoUML term ‘historicalRole’
historicalRoleMixin – URI for OntoUML term ‘historicalRoleMixin’
instantiation – URI for OntoUML term ‘instantiation’
intrinsicModeNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘intrinsicModeNature’
isAbstract – URI for OntoUML term ‘isAbstract’
isComplete – URI for OntoUML term ‘isComplete’
isDerived – URI for OntoUML term ‘isDerived’
isDisjoint – URI for OntoUML term ‘isDisjoint’
isExtensional – URI for OntoUML term ‘isExtensional’
isOrdered – URI for OntoUML term ‘isOrdered’
isPowertype – URI for OntoUML term ‘isPowertype’
isReadOnly – URI for OntoUML term ‘isReadOnly’
isViewOf – URI for OntoUML term ‘isViewOf’
kind – URI for OntoUML term ‘kind’
literal – URI for OntoUML term ‘literal’
Literal – URI for OntoUML term ‘Literal’
lowerBound – URI for OntoUML term ‘lowerBound’
manifestation – URI for OntoUML term ‘manifestation’
material – URI for OntoUML term ‘material’
mediation – URI for OntoUML term ‘mediation’
memberOf – URI for OntoUML term ‘memberOf’
mixin – URI for OntoUML term ‘mixin’
mode – URI for OntoUML term ‘mode’
model – URI for OntoUML term ‘model’
ModelElement – URI for OntoUML term ‘ModelElement’
name – URI for OntoUML term ‘name’
NodeView – URI for OntoUML term ‘NodeView’
none – URI for OntoUML term ‘none’
Note – URI for OntoUML term ‘Note’
NoteView – URI for OntoUML term ‘NoteView’
OntologicalNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘OntologicalNature’
OntoumlElement – URI for OntoUML term ‘OntoumlElement’
order – URI for OntoUML term ‘order’
owner – URI for OntoUML term ‘owner’
Package – URI for OntoUML term ‘Package’
PackageView – URI for OntoUML term ‘PackageView’
participation – URI for OntoUML term ‘participation’
participational – URI for OntoUML term ‘participational’
Path – URI for OntoUML term ‘Path’
phase – URI for OntoUML term ‘phase’
phaseMixin – URI for OntoUML term ‘phaseMixin’
point – URI for OntoUML term ‘point’
Point – URI for OntoUML term ‘Point’
project – URI for OntoUML term ‘project’
Project – URI for OntoUML term ‘Project’
property – URI for OntoUML term ‘property’
Property – URI for OntoUML term ‘Property’
PropertyStereotype – URI for OntoUML term ‘PropertyStereotype’
propertyType – URI for OntoUML term ‘propertyType’
quality – URI for OntoUML term ‘quality’
qualityNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘qualityNature’
quantity – URI for OntoUML term ‘quantity’
quantityNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘quantityNature’
Rectangle – URI for OntoUML term ‘Rectangle’
RectangularShape – URI for OntoUML term ‘RectangularShape’
redefinesProperty – URI for OntoUML term ‘redefinesProperty’
Relation – URI for OntoUML term ‘Relation’
relationEnd – URI for OntoUML term ‘relationEnd’
RelationStereotype – URI for OntoUML term ‘RelationStereotype’
RelationView – URI for OntoUML term ‘RelationView’
relator – URI for OntoUML term ‘relator’
relatorNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘relatorNature’
restrictedTo – URI for OntoUML term ‘restrictedTo’
role – URI for OntoUML term ‘role’
roleMixin – URI for OntoUML term ‘roleMixin’
shape – URI for OntoUML term ‘shape’
Shape – URI for OntoUML term ‘Shape’
shared – URI for OntoUML term ‘shared’
situation – URI for OntoUML term ‘situation’
situationNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘situationNature’
sourceEnd – URI for OntoUML term ‘sourceEnd’
sourceView – URI for OntoUML term ‘sourceView’
specific – URI for OntoUML term ‘specific’
stereotype – URI for OntoUML term ‘stereotype’
Stereotype – URI for OntoUML term ‘Stereotype’
subCollectionOf – URI for OntoUML term ‘subCollectionOf’
subkind – URI for OntoUML term ‘subkind’
subQuantityOf – URI for OntoUML term ‘subQuantityOf’
subsetsProperty – URI for OntoUML term ‘subsetsProperty’
targetEnd – URI for OntoUML term ‘targetEnd’
targetView – URI for OntoUML term ‘targetView’
termination – URI for OntoUML term ‘termination’
text – URI for OntoUML term ‘text’
Text – URI for OntoUML term ‘Text’
topLeftPosition – URI for OntoUML term ‘topLeftPosition’
triggers – URI for OntoUML term ‘triggers’
type – URI for OntoUML term ‘type’
typeNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘typeNature’
upperBound – URI for OntoUML term ‘upperBound’
width – URI for OntoUML term ‘width’
xCoordinate – URI for OntoUML term ‘xCoordinate’
yCoordinate – URI for OntoUML term ‘yCoordinate’
_fail – Flag indicating whether failed lookups should raise an exception.
_NS – Namespace for the OntoUML vocabulary.
- abstract: rdflib.URIRef
- abstractNature: rdflib.URIRef
- aggregationKind: rdflib.URIRef
- AggregationKind: rdflib.URIRef
- attribute: rdflib.URIRef
- begin: rdflib.URIRef
- bringsAbout: rdflib.URIRef
- cardinality: rdflib.URIRef
- Cardinality: rdflib.URIRef
- cardinalityValue: rdflib.URIRef
- categorizer: rdflib.URIRef
- category: rdflib.URIRef
- characterization: rdflib.URIRef
- Class: rdflib.URIRef
- Classifier: rdflib.URIRef
- ClassStereotype: rdflib.URIRef
- ClassView: rdflib.URIRef
- collective: rdflib.URIRef
- collectiveNature: rdflib.URIRef
- comparative: rdflib.URIRef
- componentOf: rdflib.URIRef
- composite: rdflib.URIRef
- ConnectorView: rdflib.URIRef
- containsModelElement: rdflib.URIRef
- containsView: rdflib.URIRef
- creation: rdflib.URIRef
- datatype: rdflib.URIRef
- DecoratableElement: rdflib.URIRef
- derivation: rdflib.URIRef
- description: rdflib.URIRef
- diagram: rdflib.URIRef
- Diagram: rdflib.URIRef
- DiagramElement: rdflib.URIRef
- ElementView: rdflib.URIRef
- end: rdflib.URIRef
- enumeration: rdflib.URIRef
- event: rdflib.URIRef
- eventNature: rdflib.URIRef
- externalDependence: rdflib.URIRef
- extrinsicModeNature: rdflib.URIRef
- functionalComplexNature: rdflib.URIRef
- general: rdflib.URIRef
- generalization: rdflib.URIRef
- Generalization: rdflib.URIRef
- GeneralizationSet: rdflib.URIRef
- GeneralizationSetView: rdflib.URIRef
- GeneralizationView: rdflib.URIRef
- height: rdflib.URIRef
- historicalDependence: rdflib.URIRef
- historicalRole: rdflib.URIRef
- historicalRoleMixin: rdflib.URIRef
- instantiation: rdflib.URIRef
- intrinsicModeNature: rdflib.URIRef
- isAbstract: rdflib.URIRef
- isComplete: rdflib.URIRef
- isDerived: rdflib.URIRef
- isDisjoint: rdflib.URIRef
- isExtensional: rdflib.URIRef
- isOrdered: rdflib.URIRef
- isPowertype: rdflib.URIRef
- isReadOnly: rdflib.URIRef
- isViewOf: rdflib.URIRef
- kind: rdflib.URIRef
- literal: rdflib.URIRef
- Literal: rdflib.URIRef
- lowerBound: rdflib.URIRef
- manifestation: rdflib.URIRef
- material: rdflib.URIRef
- mediation: rdflib.URIRef
- memberOf: rdflib.URIRef
- mixin: rdflib.URIRef
- mode: rdflib.URIRef
- model: rdflib.URIRef
- ModelElement: rdflib.URIRef
- name: rdflib.URIRef
- NodeView: rdflib.URIRef
- none: rdflib.URIRef
- Note: rdflib.URIRef
- NoteView: rdflib.URIRef
- OntologicalNature: rdflib.URIRef
- OntoumlElement: rdflib.URIRef
- order: rdflib.URIRef
- owner: rdflib.URIRef
- Package: rdflib.URIRef
- PackageView: rdflib.URIRef
- participation: rdflib.URIRef
- participational: rdflib.URIRef
- Path: rdflib.URIRef
- phase: rdflib.URIRef
- phaseMixin: rdflib.URIRef
- point: rdflib.URIRef
- Point: rdflib.URIRef
- project: rdflib.URIRef
- Project: rdflib.URIRef
- property: rdflib.URIRef
- Property: rdflib.URIRef
- PropertyStereotype: rdflib.URIRef
- propertyType: rdflib.URIRef
- quality: rdflib.URIRef
- qualityNature: rdflib.URIRef
- quantity: rdflib.URIRef
- quantityNature: rdflib.URIRef
- Rectangle: rdflib.URIRef
- RectangularShape: rdflib.URIRef
- redefinesProperty: rdflib.URIRef
- Relation: rdflib.URIRef
- relationEnd: rdflib.URIRef
- RelationStereotype: rdflib.URIRef
- RelationView: rdflib.URIRef
- relator: rdflib.URIRef
- relatorNature: rdflib.URIRef
- restrictedTo: rdflib.URIRef
- role: rdflib.URIRef
- roleMixin: rdflib.URIRef
- shape: rdflib.URIRef
- Shape: rdflib.URIRef
- shared: rdflib.URIRef
- situation: rdflib.URIRef
- situationNature: rdflib.URIRef
- sourceEnd: rdflib.URIRef
- sourceView: rdflib.URIRef
- specific: rdflib.URIRef
- stereotype: rdflib.URIRef
- Stereotype: rdflib.URIRef
- subCollectionOf: rdflib.URIRef
- subkind: rdflib.URIRef
- subQuantityOf: rdflib.URIRef
- subsetsProperty: rdflib.URIRef
- targetEnd: rdflib.URIRef
- targetView: rdflib.URIRef
- termination: rdflib.URIRef
- text: rdflib.URIRef
- Text: rdflib.URIRef
- topLeftPosition: rdflib.URIRef
- triggers: rdflib.URIRef
- type: rdflib.URIRef
- typeNature: rdflib.URIRef
- upperBound: rdflib.URIRef
- width: rdflib.URIRef
- xCoordinate: rdflib.URIRef
- yCoordinate: rdflib.URIRef
- _fail = True
- _NS
- classmethod get_list_all()
Retrieve a list of all public attributes of the OntoUML class, i.e., all terms contained in the OntoUML Vocabulary.
This method uses introspection to find all attributes and methods of the OntoUML class that do not begin with an underscore (which by convention are considered private), and returns a list containing the names of these attributes and methods.
- Returns:
A list containing the names of all public attributes and methods of the OntoUML class.
- Return type:
- classmethod get_namespace()
Retrieve the OntoUML namespace URI.
This method returns the OntoUML namespace URI as a string. The namespace URI is a prefix that can be used to construct full URIs for terms in the OntoUML vocabulary.
Usage example:
` ns = OntoUML.get_namespace() `
- Returns:
The OntoUML namespace URI as a string.
- Return type:
- classmethod get_term(str_term)
Retrieve the URIRef of a term from the OntoUML vocabulary.
Given a term name as a string, this method retrieves its associated URIRef from the OntoUML vocabulary. The method ensures compliance with OntoUML vocabulary version 1.1.0. If the term is unavailable or nonexistent, an exception is raised.
- Parameters:
str_term (str) – The name of the OntoUML term to retrieve.
- Returns:
URIRef associated with the specified OntoUML term.
- Return type:
- Raises:
OUUnavailableOUTerm – If the term is not available in the OntoUML vocabulary.
- Example:
``` from ontouml_namespace import OntoUML
- try:
my_term = OntoUML.get_term(‘Class’) # Result: rdflib.term.URIRef(’https://w3id.org/ontouml#Class’)
- except OUUnavailableOUTerm:
print(“Specified term is not available in OntoUML vocabulary.”)
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_RELATION_STEREOTYPES = ()
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_PROPERTY_STEREOTYPES = ()
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_AGGREGATION_KINDS = ()
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_ONTOLOGICAL_NATURES = ()
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_ABSTRACT_ELEMENTS = ()
- ontouml_vocabulary_lib.ONTOUML_CONCRETE_ELEMENTS = ()
Custom exception for handling cases where an OUTerm is unavailable in the OntoUML Vocabulary.
This exception is raised when a given OUTerm does not exist or is not found in the OntoUML Vocabulary, providing clear feedback that the requested term is unavailable or incorrectly specified.
- Parameters:
ou_term (str) – The OUTerm that does not exist in the OntoUML Vocabulary.
- class ontouml_vocabulary_lib.OntoUML
Class to provide terms from the OntoUML vocabulary in an easy way.
This class utilizes RDFLib structure for defining and accessing OntoUML terms. It provides access to OntoUML vocabulary terms and their associated URIs.
It complies with the OntoUML vocabulary version 1.1.0 available at https://w3id.org/ontouml/vocabulary/v1.1.0.
- Variables:
abstract – URI for OntoUML term ‘abstract’
abstractNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘abstractNature’
aggregationKind – URI for OntoUML term ‘aggregationKind’
AggregationKind – URI for OntoUML term ‘AggregationKind’
attribute – URI for OntoUML term ‘attribute’
begin – URI for OntoUML term ‘begin’
bringsAbout – URI for OntoUML term ‘bringsAbout’
cardinality – URI for OntoUML term ‘cardinality’
Cardinality – URI for OntoUML term ‘Cardinality’
cardinalityValue – URI for OntoUML term ‘cardinalityValue’
categorizer – URI for OntoUML term ‘categorizer’
category – URI for OntoUML term ‘category’
characterization – URI for OntoUML term ‘characterization’
Class – URI for OntoUML term ‘Class’
Classifier – URI for OntoUML term ‘Classifier’
ClassStereotype – URI for OntoUML term ‘ClassStereotype’
ClassView – URI for OntoUML term ‘ClassView’
collective – URI for OntoUML term ‘collective’
collectiveNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘collectiveNature’
comparative – URI for OntoUML term ‘comparative’
componentOf – URI for OntoUML term ‘componentOf’
composite – URI for OntoUML term ‘composite’
ConnectorView – URI for OntoUML term ‘ConnectorView’
containsModelElement – URI for OntoUML term ‘containsModelElement’
containsView – URI for OntoUML term ‘containsView’
creation – URI for OntoUML term ‘creation’
datatype – URI for OntoUML term ‘datatype’
DecoratableElement – URI for OntoUML term ‘DecoratableElement’
derivation – URI for OntoUML term ‘derivation’
description – URI for OntoUML term ‘description’
diagram – URI for OntoUML term ‘diagram’
Diagram – URI for OntoUML term ‘Diagram’
DiagramElement – URI for OntoUML term ‘DiagramElement’
ElementView – URI for OntoUML term ‘ElementView’
end – URI for OntoUML term ‘end’
enumeration – URI for OntoUML term ‘enumeration’
event – URI for OntoUML term ‘event’
eventNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘eventNature’
externalDependence – URI for OntoUML term ‘externalDependence’
extrinsicModeNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘extrinsicModeNature’
functionalComplexNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘functionalComplexNature’
general – URI for OntoUML term ‘general’
generalization – URI for OntoUML term ‘generalization’
Generalization – URI for OntoUML term ‘Generalization’
GeneralizationSet – URI for OntoUML term ‘GeneralizationSet’
GeneralizationSetView – URI for OntoUML term ‘GeneralizationSetView’
GeneralizationView – URI for OntoUML term ‘GeneralizationView’
height – URI for OntoUML term ‘height’
historicalDependence – URI for OntoUML term ‘historicalDependence’
historicalRole – URI for OntoUML term ‘historicalRole’
historicalRoleMixin – URI for OntoUML term ‘historicalRoleMixin’
instantiation – URI for OntoUML term ‘instantiation’
intrinsicModeNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘intrinsicModeNature’
isAbstract – URI for OntoUML term ‘isAbstract’
isComplete – URI for OntoUML term ‘isComplete’
isDerived – URI for OntoUML term ‘isDerived’
isDisjoint – URI for OntoUML term ‘isDisjoint’
isExtensional – URI for OntoUML term ‘isExtensional’
isOrdered – URI for OntoUML term ‘isOrdered’
isPowertype – URI for OntoUML term ‘isPowertype’
isReadOnly – URI for OntoUML term ‘isReadOnly’
isViewOf – URI for OntoUML term ‘isViewOf’
kind – URI for OntoUML term ‘kind’
literal – URI for OntoUML term ‘literal’
Literal – URI for OntoUML term ‘Literal’
lowerBound – URI for OntoUML term ‘lowerBound’
manifestation – URI for OntoUML term ‘manifestation’
material – URI for OntoUML term ‘material’
mediation – URI for OntoUML term ‘mediation’
memberOf – URI for OntoUML term ‘memberOf’
mixin – URI for OntoUML term ‘mixin’
mode – URI for OntoUML term ‘mode’
model – URI for OntoUML term ‘model’
ModelElement – URI for OntoUML term ‘ModelElement’
name – URI for OntoUML term ‘name’
NodeView – URI for OntoUML term ‘NodeView’
none – URI for OntoUML term ‘none’
Note – URI for OntoUML term ‘Note’
NoteView – URI for OntoUML term ‘NoteView’
OntologicalNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘OntologicalNature’
OntoumlElement – URI for OntoUML term ‘OntoumlElement’
order – URI for OntoUML term ‘order’
owner – URI for OntoUML term ‘owner’
Package – URI for OntoUML term ‘Package’
PackageView – URI for OntoUML term ‘PackageView’
participation – URI for OntoUML term ‘participation’
participational – URI for OntoUML term ‘participational’
Path – URI for OntoUML term ‘Path’
phase – URI for OntoUML term ‘phase’
phaseMixin – URI for OntoUML term ‘phaseMixin’
point – URI for OntoUML term ‘point’
Point – URI for OntoUML term ‘Point’
project – URI for OntoUML term ‘project’
Project – URI for OntoUML term ‘Project’
property – URI for OntoUML term ‘property’
Property – URI for OntoUML term ‘Property’
PropertyStereotype – URI for OntoUML term ‘PropertyStereotype’
propertyType – URI for OntoUML term ‘propertyType’
quality – URI for OntoUML term ‘quality’
qualityNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘qualityNature’
quantity – URI for OntoUML term ‘quantity’
quantityNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘quantityNature’
Rectangle – URI for OntoUML term ‘Rectangle’
RectangularShape – URI for OntoUML term ‘RectangularShape’
redefinesProperty – URI for OntoUML term ‘redefinesProperty’
Relation – URI for OntoUML term ‘Relation’
relationEnd – URI for OntoUML term ‘relationEnd’
RelationStereotype – URI for OntoUML term ‘RelationStereotype’
RelationView – URI for OntoUML term ‘RelationView’
relator – URI for OntoUML term ‘relator’
relatorNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘relatorNature’
restrictedTo – URI for OntoUML term ‘restrictedTo’
role – URI for OntoUML term ‘role’
roleMixin – URI for OntoUML term ‘roleMixin’
shape – URI for OntoUML term ‘shape’
Shape – URI for OntoUML term ‘Shape’
shared – URI for OntoUML term ‘shared’
situation – URI for OntoUML term ‘situation’
situationNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘situationNature’
sourceEnd – URI for OntoUML term ‘sourceEnd’
sourceView – URI for OntoUML term ‘sourceView’
specific – URI for OntoUML term ‘specific’
stereotype – URI for OntoUML term ‘stereotype’
Stereotype – URI for OntoUML term ‘Stereotype’
subCollectionOf – URI for OntoUML term ‘subCollectionOf’
subkind – URI for OntoUML term ‘subkind’
subQuantityOf – URI for OntoUML term ‘subQuantityOf’
subsetsProperty – URI for OntoUML term ‘subsetsProperty’
targetEnd – URI for OntoUML term ‘targetEnd’
targetView – URI for OntoUML term ‘targetView’
termination – URI for OntoUML term ‘termination’
text – URI for OntoUML term ‘text’
Text – URI for OntoUML term ‘Text’
topLeftPosition – URI for OntoUML term ‘topLeftPosition’
triggers – URI for OntoUML term ‘triggers’
type – URI for OntoUML term ‘type’
typeNature – URI for OntoUML term ‘typeNature’
upperBound – URI for OntoUML term ‘upperBound’
width – URI for OntoUML term ‘width’
xCoordinate – URI for OntoUML term ‘xCoordinate’
yCoordinate – URI for OntoUML term ‘yCoordinate’
_fail – Flag indicating whether failed lookups should raise an exception.
_NS – Namespace for the OntoUML vocabulary.
- abstract: rdflib.URIRef
- abstractNature: rdflib.URIRef
- aggregationKind: rdflib.URIRef
- AggregationKind: rdflib.URIRef
- attribute: rdflib.URIRef
- begin: rdflib.URIRef
- bringsAbout: rdflib.URIRef
- cardinality: rdflib.URIRef
- Cardinality: rdflib.URIRef
- cardinalityValue: rdflib.URIRef
- categorizer: rdflib.URIRef
- category: rdflib.URIRef
- characterization: rdflib.URIRef
- Class: rdflib.URIRef
- Classifier: rdflib.URIRef
- ClassStereotype: rdflib.URIRef
- ClassView: rdflib.URIRef
- collective: rdflib.URIRef
- collectiveNature: rdflib.URIRef
- comparative: rdflib.URIRef
- componentOf: rdflib.URIRef
- composite: rdflib.URIRef
- ConnectorView: rdflib.URIRef
- containsModelElement: rdflib.URIRef
- containsView: rdflib.URIRef
- creation: rdflib.URIRef
- datatype: rdflib.URIRef
- DecoratableElement: rdflib.URIRef
- derivation: rdflib.URIRef
- description: rdflib.URIRef
- diagram: rdflib.URIRef
- Diagram: rdflib.URIRef
- DiagramElement: rdflib.URIRef
- ElementView: rdflib.URIRef
- end: rdflib.URIRef
- enumeration: rdflib.URIRef
- event: rdflib.URIRef
- eventNature: rdflib.URIRef
- externalDependence: rdflib.URIRef
- extrinsicModeNature: rdflib.URIRef
- functionalComplexNature: rdflib.URIRef
- general: rdflib.URIRef
- generalization: rdflib.URIRef
- Generalization: rdflib.URIRef
- GeneralizationSet: rdflib.URIRef
- GeneralizationSetView: rdflib.URIRef
- GeneralizationView: rdflib.URIRef
- height: rdflib.URIRef
- historicalDependence: rdflib.URIRef
- historicalRole: rdflib.URIRef
- historicalRoleMixin: rdflib.URIRef
- instantiation: rdflib.URIRef
- intrinsicModeNature: rdflib.URIRef
- isAbstract: rdflib.URIRef
- isComplete: rdflib.URIRef
- isDerived: rdflib.URIRef
- isDisjoint: rdflib.URIRef
- isExtensional: rdflib.URIRef
- isOrdered: rdflib.URIRef
- isPowertype: rdflib.URIRef
- isReadOnly: rdflib.URIRef
- isViewOf: rdflib.URIRef
- kind: rdflib.URIRef
- literal: rdflib.URIRef
- Literal: rdflib.URIRef
- lowerBound: rdflib.URIRef
- manifestation: rdflib.URIRef
- material: rdflib.URIRef
- mediation: rdflib.URIRef
- memberOf: rdflib.URIRef
- mixin: rdflib.URIRef
- mode: rdflib.URIRef
- model: rdflib.URIRef
- ModelElement: rdflib.URIRef
- name: rdflib.URIRef
- NodeView: rdflib.URIRef
- none: rdflib.URIRef
- Note: rdflib.URIRef
- NoteView: rdflib.URIRef
- OntologicalNature: rdflib.URIRef
- OntoumlElement: rdflib.URIRef
- order: rdflib.URIRef
- owner: rdflib.URIRef
- Package: rdflib.URIRef
- PackageView: rdflib.URIRef
- participation: rdflib.URIRef
- participational: rdflib.URIRef
- Path: rdflib.URIRef
- phase: rdflib.URIRef
- phaseMixin: rdflib.URIRef
- point: rdflib.URIRef
- Point: rdflib.URIRef
- project: rdflib.URIRef
- Project: rdflib.URIRef
- property: rdflib.URIRef
- Property: rdflib.URIRef
- PropertyStereotype: rdflib.URIRef
- propertyType: rdflib.URIRef
- quality: rdflib.URIRef
- qualityNature: rdflib.URIRef
- quantity: rdflib.URIRef
- quantityNature: rdflib.URIRef
- Rectangle: rdflib.URIRef
- RectangularShape: rdflib.URIRef
- redefinesProperty: rdflib.URIRef
- Relation: rdflib.URIRef
- relationEnd: rdflib.URIRef
- RelationStereotype: rdflib.URIRef
- RelationView: rdflib.URIRef
- relator: rdflib.URIRef
- relatorNature: rdflib.URIRef
- restrictedTo: rdflib.URIRef
- role: rdflib.URIRef
- roleMixin: rdflib.URIRef
- shape: rdflib.URIRef
- Shape: rdflib.URIRef
- shared: rdflib.URIRef
- situation: rdflib.URIRef
- situationNature: rdflib.URIRef
- sourceEnd: rdflib.URIRef
- sourceView: rdflib.URIRef
- specific: rdflib.URIRef
- stereotype: rdflib.URIRef
- Stereotype: rdflib.URIRef
- subCollectionOf: rdflib.URIRef
- subkind: rdflib.URIRef
- subQuantityOf: rdflib.URIRef
- subsetsProperty: rdflib.URIRef
- targetEnd: rdflib.URIRef
- targetView: rdflib.URIRef
- termination: rdflib.URIRef
- text: rdflib.URIRef
- Text: rdflib.URIRef
- topLeftPosition: rdflib.URIRef
- triggers: rdflib.URIRef
- type: rdflib.URIRef
- typeNature: rdflib.URIRef
- upperBound: rdflib.URIRef
- width: rdflib.URIRef
- xCoordinate: rdflib.URIRef
- yCoordinate: rdflib.URIRef
- _fail = True
- _NS
- classmethod get_list_all()
Retrieve a list of all public attributes of the OntoUML class, i.e., all terms contained in the OntoUML Vocabulary.
This method uses introspection to find all attributes and methods of the OntoUML class that do not begin with an underscore (which by convention are considered private), and returns a list containing the names of these attributes and methods.
- Returns:
A list containing the names of all public attributes and methods of the OntoUML class.
- Return type:
- classmethod get_namespace()
Retrieve the OntoUML namespace URI.
This method returns the OntoUML namespace URI as a string. The namespace URI is a prefix that can be used to construct full URIs for terms in the OntoUML vocabulary.
Usage example:
` ns = OntoUML.get_namespace() `
- Returns:
The OntoUML namespace URI as a string.
- Return type:
- classmethod get_term(str_term)
Retrieve the URIRef of a term from the OntoUML vocabulary.
Given a term name as a string, this method retrieves its associated URIRef from the OntoUML vocabulary. The method ensures compliance with OntoUML vocabulary version 1.1.0. If the term is unavailable or nonexistent, an exception is raised.
- Parameters:
str_term (str) – The name of the OntoUML term to retrieve.
- Returns:
URIRef associated with the specified OntoUML term.
- Return type:
- Raises:
OUUnavailableOUTerm – If the term is not available in the OntoUML vocabulary.
- Example:
``` from ontouml_namespace import OntoUML
- try:
my_term = OntoUML.get_term(‘Class’) # Result: rdflib.term.URIRef(’https://w3id.org/ontouml#Class’)
- except OUUnavailableOUTerm:
print(“Specified term is not available in OntoUML vocabulary.”)
- exception ontouml_vocabulary_lib.OUUnavailableTerm(ou_term)
Custom exception for handling cases where an OUTerm is unavailable in the OntoUML Vocabulary.
This exception is raised when a given OUTerm does not exist or is not found in the OntoUML Vocabulary, providing clear feedback that the requested term is unavailable or incorrectly specified.
- Parameters:
ou_term (str) – The OUTerm that does not exist in the OntoUML Vocabulary.